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Flat Stanley Rides a Harley for Kids and Cops 2024

Delray Beach resident Chuck Halberg & riding partner John “Maddog” Looney are taking off on another trip to raise money for kids, cops, and animals in Delray Beach! Like their last trip in 2021, where they helped raise over $77,000, all sponsorships & donations will be donated directly to the charity of your choice so 100% of money raised goes directly to them.

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Kindness Carnival at ACCF

On March 26th, our annual Kindness Carnival, in collaboration with the Kindness Angels and community partners, brought pure joy. The event buzzed with excitement as students enjoyed delights like petting ponies, ice cream, a chocolate fountain, and crafts. Laughter filled the air, a testament to the Kindness Angels’ boundless generosity.

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A Visit from CLIMB: Children Learning in the Magic of Books

In a fantastic start to 2024 centered on promoting reading, Tommy Kirschner, an 11th-grade student at Pine Crest Ft Lauderdale campus, generously donated hundreds of books to our Family Resource Center. Tommy’s passion for fostering literacy began in 9th grade when he founded CLIMB (Children Learning in the Magic of Books) as a response to the pandemic.

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Thank You Grieco Automotive

We extend heartfelt thanks to our local partners for collecting new toys in our annual drive. With collection boxes in various community spots, including new sites like Grieco Automotive, we gathered toys for under-resourced families. At our event on September 16th, volunteers helped families select and wrap gifts, making the holidays brighter for our children. Huge thanks to all our ACCF friends for their unwavering support.

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Holiday Fun at DBHS

The Delray Beach Historical Society treated 4th graders to a memorable holiday surprise with a field trip on December 21st. Students enjoyed exploring the museum and garden, crafting ornaments, and indulging in a pizza and ice cream feast. The experience provided an engaging introduction to Delray Beach’s history and left the students feeling cherished. Thanks to DBHS for the unforgettable afternoon.

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Winter Wonderland Shop for the Parents

This year marked our third annual Winter Wonderland event, which has significantly expanded since its inception in 2021. Held on December 13th and 14th, our students selected gifts for their parents and caregivers, which were then wrapped for them to take home. Leading up to December, local communities like the Polo Club and Congregation B’Nai Torah collected gently used items and small housewares, ensuring a variety of options for all family members. Witnessing the children’s sheer excitement at surprising their families with perfect presents was truly heartening.

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