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Kindness Carnival at ACCF

March 27, 2024

March 26th marked a day of pure joy as we hosted our highly anticipated annual Kindness Carnival in collaboration with the Kindness Angels, and other generous community partners.  What an extraordinary event it was! The atmosphere was vibrant and filled with excitement as students from all of our sites eagerly gathered to partake in the festivities. From the moment they arrived, they were greeted with an array of delights that promised a day to remember. Fancy cars lined the entrance, setting the tone for an experience that was nothing short of magical. Among the highlights were the petting ponies, a bubbling ice cream truck, a chocolate fountain and popcorn cart. The children were treated to an engaging assortment of activities and crafts, and at the end of the afternoon, they were able to pick out a new toy to take home. The laughter that filled the air was a testament to the incredible impact of the Kindness Angels, who truly lived up to their name by showering our students with love and boundless generosity.